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We work regularly with external organisations and agencies that are specialists in certain areas of business. Although we don’t have all the answers, we certainly know the people who do. We will work hard to put you in touch with the people who know best but here are a few great places to start. 

Finance and Funding – We realise how time consuming it can be to scroll through numerous websites to find the best kind of financial advice and funding information. You may not even know that you can apply for funding for that dream project or that there is help out there if you want to start a new business venture or expand your existing one. We occasionally have grants that businesses can apply for. We will make sure we promote this as and when but to check please email

This list is by no means exhaustive but here are some of the best local and national organisations that can help you:

Business Support & Toolkits – Cumbria and the UK has a wealth of business support networks, focusing on all manner of sectors, ideas and projects and they are all there to help.

Below we have outlined the resources and organisations we believe are a great place to start: